Pascoe's Gas and Water Shelly
15/17 Tribute St W, Shelly, WA 6148
08 95214173
Pascoes Oil and Gas
Keywords: Pluming and gas services, Emergency Plumbing and gas.
Descr: Pascoe's Gas, Water & Electrical has plumbers and electricians located in Shelley and surrounding suburbs with local knowledge of the area and providing same day service.
Local Shelley tradespeople to your door in 2 hours
No call out fee & free quotes
Pascoe's guarantees quality work on all plumbing and electrical services
Free $50 Coles & Myer Group gift card with every job completed
Free energy efficiency reports for all homes
24/7 Emergency Service.
Hour: 24/7 hours.
Year: 1990
Employee member: 1
Payment Method: Cash, Credit Card, EFTPOS
5 out of 5 from 1 reviews