Plastics Online Burleigh

12 Township Drive, West Burleigh, QLD 4219
Leon James

Plastics Online provide a full range of cut to size plastics, including sheet products such as Acrylic (Perspex), Polycarbonate (Lexan), HDPE Polyethylene, UHMWPE Polyethylene, PVC, Boatboard, Coreflute, Prismaticm and Engineering plastic materials that can be ordered on line, cut, and packed for delivery.
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Need plastic fabrication manufacturing? We can do that too.
We use the latest in computer and machine technology to manufacture and supply customised plastic and rubber products for commercial, industrial, and residential applications.
Contact our Gold Coast locations on 07 5535 7544 or 07 5564 6744 anytime between Monday to Friday 7:30am to 4:00pm.

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