Welcome to Healthstin’s Allied Health Clinic located at the Salisbury Aquatic Centre. Our dedicated team of highly trained health professionals is here to support a wide range of patients in Salisbury and its surrounds, promoting better health and wellbeing. We serve individuals living with disabilities, older adults needing aged care, people recovering from injuries, workers requiring rehabilitation, and active individuals aiming to stay fit and healthy.
We recognise that everyone is unique, which is why we offer a highly customised and individualised approach tailored to your specific health needs and conditions. Our Exercise Physiologists and Physiotherapists are committed to helping you achieve your health goals, whether it’s preventing, managing, or treating health issues, enhancing your level of fitness, relieving and managing pain, or improving your functional capacity.
For your convenience, our Salisbury Physio, Exercise Physiology, and other services in Salisbury are covered by NDIS, Medicare, workers compensation schemes, Private Health Funds, and DVA. Get in touch with us today – we look forward to partnering with you on your journey to improved health and independent living.