Premier Hydropavers

465 Victoria Ave, Chatswood, NSW 2067
02 8287 1255
Premier Hydropavers

Premier Pavers continue to revolutionise the water sensitive urban design (WSUD) concept, with a range of fully permeable paving solutions that are engineered to create a sustainable paving system that reduces run-off and recharges the subgrade.Premier Hydropavers and Hydropavers Interlockers provide paving solutions for all commercial, industrial and residential applications.


Permeable paving is a method of paving that allows the water to infiltrate through the paver and the pavement material thus allowing the water to return to the subgrade. (Soil)

Premier Hydropavers are manufactured entirely from recycled ceramic and require zero raw material extraction, making them the most sustainable option to use in renovating or building.

Specified by Australian Councils for permeable driveways, car parks, pedestrian pathways and much more. You’ll find that permeable pavers are a fantastic choice for anywhere that is exposed to the elements.

Browse the site to learn more about the benefits and uses of our permeable pavers. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

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