Back 2 New Painting
Back 2 New Painting we utilize the greatest paints meant at ensuring that you end up with high quality finishes, which are achieved with Haymes, Dulux, Solver and Wattyl that are the type of paints that we generally make use of in most of our painting jobs. In the event that a customer has their preferred brand, we are ever joyful to apply it on their property. Our greatly skilled proficient have the expertise of painting on extensive ranges of surfaces of all interiors that include all types of plasterboard and ceilings, any solid plasters, all types of plaster repairs, any ornate cornices, Timber repairs, Ceiling roses, Restoration works, Airless spraying on surfaces, Repainting on surfaces, Finer spraying or flawless spraying on finished doors, Laminates, Tiles, Painting of cabinets, Veneers and Floors. Email Us: & Contact Info: 1300 790 251