33rd Euro Nursing and Medicare Summit

Holiday Inn Edinburgh, London,
Valentina Esther


We are taking opportunity by Inviting you all and welcome to join our "33rd Euro Nursing and Medicare Summit" during October 08-10, 2018 at Edinburgh, Scotland with a theme “Accelerating Innovations & Fostering Advances in Nursing and Healthcare”. Participating at Euro Nursing 2018 will provide a remarkable chance to communicate with world-class Nurse Specialists and Health Care Experts in the field creating a channel for collaborations and partnerships.  

Euro Nursing Conference is a three days meeting includes workshops, symposiums and special keynote sessions led by famous and prestigious speakers who exceed expectations in the field of Nursing and Healthcare. This Euro Nursing Conferences also encourages the active participation of young students, up and coming analysts and sprouting researchers as we are facilitating Poster Award Competition and Young Research Forum at the meeting venue.   

                 Nursing Conferences welcomes Nurses, Doctors, Physicians, Clinicians, Nurse Care practitioners, Professors, Research fellows, Directors, Deans, Post-graduates in Nursing Practices, Health Care Professionals, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Nurse Managers/Supervisors, Clinical Study Observers, Nurse Mid-wives, Nurse Leaders, Nurse Entrepreneurs, Nursing Faculty, Nursing Academicians, Students. It is a gathering to explore issues of common concern and also exchange knowledge, share evidence, thoughts, and create solutions.      

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