seekapk Each remedy when formulated carries more diametric files and folders within it, that defines its functionalities and resources, and in sect to run that app in maneuverable, one impoverishment to make an deposit that contains all the necessities. This archive record is famed as Robot Employment APK, i.e. Robot assemblage kit. What does an APK lie of? APK is a plangent case containing all the required accumulation and files that is staleness to run an app on a Nomadic Sound. It consist of • Shaper cipher used to delimitate App's functionalities, in plain position referred as classes.dex. • Manifest record, i.e. the file that specifies the 1. Permissions that employment needs. 2. Its current 3. Container 4. Edition codes 5. Signatures. 6. Certificates. 7. SHA-1 Abbreviate. • Libs, is a directory containing compiled encrypt or jar files, utilised as collection for applications. • Assets, it is a directory that has capricious files equal fonts, oftenness, texts etc. in it. • Resources equal XML files that delineate the layout of several pages of the use. • It also contains META-INF directory and res directory.