Peter Damestoy Naturopath Physician
Peter Damestoy is a well known and respected natural therapist practicing in China and Australia since 1982. In Brisbane Peter qualified in Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine. Allergy Testing for over 500 Foods through Hair Analysis, Naturopathy, Diet and Nutrition and is a Australian registered TCM practitioner. Most recently at the Integrated Medicine Institute in Hong Kong which is the largest, most prestigious natural therapies centre in all of Asia, Peter was the senior natural therapist. Having the advantage of seeing healing through a traditional Western perspective and an alternative Chinese perspective helps to locate and pinpoint problems areas and discuss major health concerns. with a broad base of experience and know-how. My focus is to accurately inform you of your internal health status and identify with you what needs to be done. Peter applies the most up to date Gold Standard Automated Diagnostic and 3 D Medical Testing to find and develop a plan to remove any infections, then on to repair damaged organs and restore optimal function with natural remedies. Peter leads the field by linking physical, mental, and emotional symptoms with ordinary foods and substances we consume and breathe on a daily basis.
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