8th European Clinical Microbiology and Immunology Congress
After the successful completion
of Clinical Microbiology 2018
congress, it takes an immense pleasure to welcome you all to the “8th European Clinical
Microbiology and Immunology Congress”
which will be held at Edinburgh,
Scotland on June 12-13, 2019.
Clinical Microbiology 2019
is centered with the theme “Recent methodologies to enhance research in clinical
microbiology and immunology”
which covers the most interactive sessions.
With the well-organized scientific
program Clinical Microbiology 2019
anticipates more than 100 attendees around the globe, Join us at the esteemed
conference to witness the gathering of microbiologists, immunologists,
virologists, pathologists, bacteriologists, directors, editorial board members,
presidents, vice presidents, head of the departments, scientists, researchers,
faculties, business entrepreneurs, delegates, medical colleges, industrialists,
students, drug and medical devices manufacturing companies, and young
Clinical Microbiology 2019
is an open platform to network with experts, showcase your recent research and
achievements, experience the interactive keynote, plenary, young researchers
forum, poster session.