Peter Damestoy Natural Therapies
Peter Damestoy has all the experience to revitalise your health in a variety of healing modalities, including: Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Diet and Nutrition, Allergy Testing, Total Health Nutritional Assessments which includes Vega Check Diagnosis, Es-Teck Body Scanning, Acupuncture, Chinese Herbalism, Iridology and Bio-Chemistry. With Peter’s knowledge, a broad spectrum of acute or chronic health conditions are able to be treated.
During your first consultation Peter will take your case history and test for any physical symptoms that may assist in diagnosing the location and nature of your condition. Some of the questions may seem strange, but its important to answer them as well as you’re able so that all signs and symptoms can be considered in the diagnosis.
Once a diagnosis has been reached, the ideal method of treatment will be chosen to help you return to a state of balance.
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