Mediband is an Emergency Medical Information service providing low cost ready-to-wear and custom engraved identification alert wristbands, bracelets, and 24hr-accessible web-based medical files to medical personnel and first responders. Mediband supplies 100% latex free (hypo-allergenic) silicone medical wristbands that are both fashionable and wearable. All Mediband products conform to various CE and quality standards, covering a wide range of medical conditions for men, women and kids. Customised bands are also Mediband’s speciality along with jewellery, wallet cards, first-aid kits and more! Mediband ships worldwide and offers free membership to MedibandPlus, a mobile medical emergency database where members can easily update and manage their medical history. Medibands are sold world-wide both online and in pharmacies. Mediband has been in business since 2004.