Orange Massage and Yoga
Marie Thomas has
always been interested in the body mind connection and philosophy. She started
practising yoga while still at high school. She studied social pedagogy and
after few years in mental health fields she focused more on yoga and later
added massage therapy as well. She prefers slow yoga practise with focus on
body and breath awareness. That is what she offers in her yoga classes.
Tension release, physical, mental and emotional, is one of the main goals
of her yoga teaching. Regular yoga improves our overall wellbeing. It improves
posture, breathing, digestion, develops strength, flexibility, mindfulness. It
teaches us to live here and now. In her massage practice, tension release and
relaxation are also very important. Remedial massage therapy helps with muscle
tension and pain, neck and low back pain, post-injury recovery, headaches and
other problems. And by releasing tension and relaxing, we return our bodies to
their natural state in which the inner healing power can occur.