Good Aikido
Good Aikido Sydney School is an amazing martial art dojo at the Macquarie University Sport and Aquatic Centre, and the Ryde Community Sport Centre. It is an Aikido school that teaches traditional Aikido and modern fitness. When learning at Good Aikido Sydney you will learn the following: Taijutsu or Jujutsu (Empty Hand or Hand to Hand Techniques) Bukiwaza (Warrior or Weapons Techniques - Sword and Jo Staff) Personal Development and Mental Training Visit the Good Aikido School’s website to learn more and book your FREE Trial Martial Art Class Today. Aikido is a Japanese martial art that originated from the teachings of O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba’s Aikijujitsu, the founder of modern Aikido. Aikijujutsu is a form of Japanese Jujutsu. Morihei Ueshiba O Sensei The Founder of Aikido retired in a small farming town of Iwama after WWII. There he refined Aiki Jujutsu into a more harmonious martial art that we now today call Aikido. In Iwama Morihiro Saito Sensei studied and served under O Sensei, and learned the Aikido of Ueshiba. Today we call this Aikido, Iwama Aikido, Takemusu Aikido, or Iwama Ryu. Thus, it is said that Ueshiba Aikido was actually a way of life for both Aikido Master, and the people he taught it to. Aikido is a way of combining the best physical techniques, combined with the theories of Daito-ryu Aikijujitsu (the study of the "Art of Being One With The Energy"), Kenjutsu (Japanese Swordsmanship), and Jojutsu (Quarterstaff). Since then, Aikido has been undergoing changes, and now it is practiced as a full-fledged martial art, rather than a style of martial art. Aikido is known to have been promoted as “the thinking person’s martial art”. Not only is your body going to toughen up, you will also develop mental toughness. Aikido is known to promote flexibility and adaptability, which helps with self-defense. Aikido is known to promote control and internal power, including strength. Aikido is known to promote acceptance and compassion and is an amazing form of martial arts. Visit Good Aikido Martial Art School