Mark Gallagher Counselling
I am a trained professional with over 35 years experience, working in all areas of counselling. Specialising in Couple & Family Counselling. I am a clinical member of AAFT (Australian Association of Family Therapy).
Affordable fees: $100 Individuals, $120 Couples & $140
Families. Flexible 1 hr appointments; days, evenings & Sat. morning. Hours between 8.00 am - 8.00 pm Mon-Fri, 8.00 am - 11.00 am Sat. Public holidays by appt. Payment options
available: Eftpos, Visa, Mastercard, Cash, Direct Deposit.
Couple and family counselling is a specialised field. Not many
counsellors are formally trained in couple counselling (even fewer male
counsellors). Check his/her qualifications and shop around for a counsellor who
will connect with both of you.
sooner couples come in for counselling the more likely they will be able to
rebalance their relationship.
Why Need Couple Counselling:
just like your car needs services/repairs, so does your relationship. Keep yours running smoothly.
you want to connect, but don't know how, learn how to be understood. Intimate
couples create a safe harbour for each other. Money can't buy that!
I have successfully worked in these Counselling Services:
Couple Issues: How to spot & attract the right partner, Engaged Couples preparation for
marriage, Deepening the couple
friendship bond, Maintaining the
sparkle in your long-term relationship, Separation
& Divorce, Gay & Lesbian Couples,
Communication skills.
Family Issues: Skills & Strategies for new parents, Family Conflict Resolution, Sibling Rivalry, Post-Separation Parenting, Step-Family navigation skills, Parenting Teens in Trouble, Carer Self Support
Children’s Issues: Behaviour Problems, Distress
& Disturbed Emotions, Anxiety
& Depression, Trauma &
Abuse, Bullying, Sexual Problems & Sexual Abuse
Individual Issues: Anxiety & Depression, Grief &
Loss, Stress Management, Anger Management, Increase Your Self-Esteem, Career & Life Coaching, Sexual Identity Issues, Addiction
& Bad Habits, Self Harm, Unfinished Issues from you past / issues
with your parent/s, Dealing with
past abuse, trauma, child sexual abuse, How
to get your needs met (for a change)