Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse

1 Fowler Rd, Dandenong, VIC 3175
(03) 9212 4422
(03) 9212 4433

Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse have been supplying NEW & USED Workshop & Engineering Equipment since 1930.

Foundation principles have not changed to this date - to offer one of Australia's most extensive ranges of workshop machinery and machine tool accessories, at the best possible price.

Currently we are one of the largest stockists and suppliers of machine tools, sheet metal and fabrication equipment in Australia. We aim to serve all machinery needs throughout Australia.
With our head office and warehouse located in Sydney, and supply branches and agencies in all major capitals.

We stock a comprehensive range of:
• CNC Machinery
• Conventional Machinery
• Sheet Metal Machinery and Fabrication Equipment
• Tooling and Machine Accessories
• Wood Working Machinery
• Spare Parts
backed by experienced technicians providing ongoing service and support.

Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse carries over 30 agencies,

Some agencies included are sourced from:
Australia, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey

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