Oldfield Legal

First Floor 42 Ladner St, Fremantle, WA 6163
08 9331 5722
Oldfield Legal

At Oldfield Legal we are passionate about pursuing fairness and seeking success for our clients. We provided a full range of commercial legal services including: legal advice, contracts, leases, business planning, trade practices, consumer law, dispute resolution and court representation, preparing or explaining contracts to buy and sell property, settlements, Wills, Probate, intestate estates, Enduring Power of Attorney and much more. With 18 years experience in Perth Western Australia you can rest assured your legal issues are in good hands. 

3.00 out of 5 from 1 reviews
rating 3/5 Date: 13/07/2014
Buy Quality Fake Passports,ID cards,Drivers license etc (kannymary222@gmail.com) Hello, Getting a fake and real passport , ID or driving license or any other document is simple. I can make you both real and fake documents However, the real documents are more expensive than the fake because it takes time, skill and contacts to get it done. Note that, the fake is going to be in 100% unique and very good quality. The difference is based on the registration of the numbers. The real Document will be registered with the country's database so you can use it to travel to any country of your choice or in the country, mean while the fake will not be registered but can be use as well. Contact e-mails..........kannymary222@gmail.com General support..........kannymary222@gmail.com Skype........................kannymary1990 Tel........................0023790969757 Tel........................+237-9096-9757

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