Wishart Business Precinct

Strangways Developments Pty Ltd, GPO Box 4175, Darwin, NT 0801
08 8941 8366
08 8941 8377
Kevin Henry

The Wishart Business Precinct is a masterplanned Industrial and Business Estate situated on 302 hectares of freehold land, located directly adjacent to the satellite city of Palmerston and within striking distance of Darwin’s East Arm Port, the Rail Freight Terminal, Darwin’s proposed Oil & Gas Marine Supply Base, and the future Inpex Gas Plant.

3.00 out of 5 from 1 reviews
rating 3/5 Date: 30/03/2014
gia osous exoun xasei epeisodia.. o apnpoaw einai o diavoitos rwsoanonymos.. o xwrismenos pontios 45 feuga prwin kke pou douleuei stin kup kai ston eleu8ero xrono tou mas parakolou8ei apo tis ip sta arxeia twn server kai exei panta mia kali kouventa gia olous.. opote katalavainete gia ti eidos an8rwpou milame..

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