south indian pearl jewellery designs

kolkata, kolkata, 700001
Sneha Rateria

We’ve got the perfect south indian pearl jewellery designs for you. We have very traditional bangle has a string of white pearls set within a boundary of 18K gold polished rims.

These Artificial Pearl Bangles at Sneha Rateria is made with pure silver and Swarovski stones. They are made by craftsmen who make real jewellery. Therefore these jewellery pieces have top class finishing. They are very good for traveling purposes, especially for destination weddings. Avoid getting stuck at customs with these type of jewellery. These Artificial Pearl Bangles can be left just on your dresser or side table, without having to worry about locking them up.

You can always contact us on Whatsapp (+91 98303 18958) Or email me at for questions regarding jewellery or even if you just want to chat.

View more Artificial Pearl Bangles designs on our website.

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