Care Brother 3468465
Is so high that the enzyme Ypsilanti can keep up with it then what the answer is that nature has provided aback up mechanism a second line of defense that can do the job even at the first line should fail it involves a unique chemical compound that poisons the Luma repair malignant cell while nourishing all the rest and thesis where the vitamin concept of cancer finally comes back into the picture the chemical compound in question of course is vitamin b which is found in those natural foods containing nitro sides it's known also as a mica Dylan and as such has been used and studied extensively for well over a hundred years but in its concentrated and purified form developed by doctor Krebs specifically for cancer therapy it is known as late rail for the sake of clarity in this presentation however we shall favor the more simple name vitamin the the B-seventeen molecule contains two units have sugar want to Benz formaldehyde and one of cyanide all tightly locked together with it as everyone knows cyanide can be highly toxic and even fatal if taken in sufficient quantity Luma repair however locked as it is in this natural state it's completely inert chemically and has absolutely no effect on living tissue there is only one substance that can unlock this molecule and release the cyanide that substance is an enzyme called beta good Cassia.