Lewis Insurance Services & Insurance For My Business

84 Barrack Road, Cannon Hill, QLD 4170

Lewis Insurance Services is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Insurance Advisernet Australia Pty Ltd established in 1996.  We handle a wide range of insurance classes and have a diverse range of clients, from the self-employed tradesperson, to multi-million dollar turnover companies.  Our focus is small to medium enterprises.

Paul Lewis & Adam Lewis are the directors of Lewis Insurance Services, and employ 6 staff, with various insurance industry experience. As part of our service, we provide a full review of a new client’s insurance program, analysing and recommending changes and improvements to their insurance program, to ensure they are adequately protected.  We also review an existing client’s insurance program on an annual basis, to ensure they are adequately protected as businesses can constantly evolve, with new risk exposures emerging.

We work with our clients to assist them in understanding their risk exposures and how insurance can protect their business assets and liabilities.  As your adviser, we obtain quotations from a number of insurance carriers, to ensure competitive pricing, and to ensure that cover is broad & comprehensive and most appropriate for your business.

Risks to businesses are constantly expanding and changing, and no business faces a single set of risks for more than a short period of time. Contemporary risk management means more than Liability, Property and Directors & Officers Liability Insurance.

At Lewis Insurance Services, we’re focused on how to optimise risk management in your business to protect your assets, your employees and your bottom line.

Our Services to you include:

  • Management of all policy matters including assistance with claims, policy endorsements and amendments and advice on any matters in relation to your insurance program.
  • Negotiation of renewal terms with insurers including obtaining quotations from other insurers where required, and providing options and recommendations to you for consideration.
  • Recommendations on new policies/additional covers on existing policies for your business. Including obtaining quotations and arranging cover.
  • Engaging of specialist providers following consultation with you, to assist in specific areas such as Risk Management including Workplace Health & Safety, Workers Compensation, Valuers and Quantity Surveyors, Employment and Workplace Relations assistance.


Our Advisers will evaluate a combination of factors including:

  • Identification of potential risk areas.
  • Recommending measures to avoid dangerous operations, contracting outside of hazardous areas and minimising potential claims.
  • Risk retention using excesses and self-insurance for minor exposures, such as glass breakage and fusion.
  • Insurance to cover risks that cannot be controlled or retained (including statutory forms of insurance).

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