eSolutionsFirst is a premier technology and talent solutions partner providing best-in-class IT engineering expertise, technology solutions and staffing services that empower our clients to be market leaders. Our technology solutions focus on innovate software development, cloud services and managed services that enable improved performance while driving down IT costs. Our contingent workforce and managed staffing solutions offer flexible engagement and cost models that provide our clients with rapid cost efficiencies in IT spend. We believe that a comprehensive understanding of your business and technology environment is indispensable to fulfilling your software development and Information Technology management needs. • Headquartered in Northern Virginia; in business from 2007. • Financially stable; positive growth. • Proven experience and capacity: o Over 1,000 man-years of services in IT Services. o Over 100+ Software development and management engagements. o Over 20+ years of Advisory Services and multiple commercial grade software products developed. We believe in maximizing value to our clients through efficient and effective delivery of all eSolutionsFirst services.