I made a reddit account just to add to this post. Beard Czar I just got my shipment today, and I just place it in quotes since like numerous individuals here, they found a free trial offer online and when it came time to conclude everything, you're let you know still need to pay in delivery. That is not a major ordeal, particularly for a jug that should last you a month. Be that as it may, subsequent to getting my shipment I needed to look online to check whether anybody had any reports on this item in light of the fact that there was next to no about it when I requested. Let me simply say I'm happy I discovered this board when I did on the grounds that I never would've realized that I was going to be charged $90 following 15 days of requesting (I'm sorry to learn who discovered the most difficult way possible). For the individuals who were at that point charged the it appears like they've had a harder time managing client administration to recover their cash. For me, expecting on the grounds that I wasn't charged yet, the procedure was a considerable measure smoother yet at the same time irritating. I summoned client administration and right I could advise I was addressing some man who they most likely picked off the roads and asked "need work? great, read this script each time somebody calls to wipe out their membership". Also, that is precisely what he did. I let him know I needed to drop it before I get charged $90 and at first was informed that it was fine the length of the jug was unopened, which it isn't. So I griped some more and after that he let me know he could take off of my lifetime membership. I said no, I would prefer not to join in a membership from you folks.