health and beauty
that get stuck the that part of the quarter get stuck here so you can make sure
you pushed at down at when I first used 70-410 to read in real life it that was
happening and then it was getting hard to put mypaper in its cut that was too
issue you really have to come a per stack out concur its make sure you pretty
generic and push it down you can Turner upside down I like to do that I like to
do round each of my corner first other ways to do it is you can punch first the
first punch ram through Google page here and then get the next one in pension
plan to punch and in turn it over and punch a pension patch they're like to do
it just arm just get you know do all my rounded corners arm at one time let me
get rid of these action little piece s okay the cactus now the next thing I do
is I want refuse this piece this one creates as strip Lovelace I do not want to
I just one border of kind of the design as a border.