Better Body Beauty - Wellness, Beauty, Natural Skincare

194 Bay Road Sandringham VIC 3191, Sandringham, VIC 3191
Vicky Jamieson

Do you want awesome looking skin even though you are over 40yrs? Tired of all the gimmicks that promise youth and flawless skin? Want to keep it natural but want it to WORK! You’ve come to the right place... I believe what you put On your skin, IN your body and also HOW you relax..or stress out.. keeps you looking younger....even as you grow older... I want to show YOU how to age gracefully with more energy, vitality and of course a gorgeous skin that all your girlfriends are jealous of! Working long hours, juggling responsibilities and being a Super-Mum or Wonder-Woman isn't going to cut it if you want to look gorgeous and have less lines and wrinkles... So let me show you how to have more balance, mindfully - in your life, more energy than ever before and of course kick butt on those crow's feet.
Mon: 13:00pm - 19:00pm
Tue: 07:00am - 20:00pm
Wed: 09:00am - 18:00pm
Thur: 09:00am - 17:00pm
Fri: 10:00am - 14:00pm

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