Menopause Resource Centre
At The MRCW we honor your unique experience and your unique challenges. There is no one else in the world quite like you and no one will experience Menopause quite like you will because your, Genetic, Symptomatic and Hormonal profile is specific to you.
There is no “One Size Fits All” approach to Menopause so and you and your Health Providers’ will have to work together to design a support and treatment plan that will work for you. We’ll do our best to give you the knowledge that you need to make informed choices no matter what you choose to do, and although our focus is primarily on you and your needs, Menopause also has a flow-on effect in the lives of the family, friends and colleagues of menopausal women so we offer help for them too.
Feel free to explore this Menopause Resource Centre Website at your leisure. Menopause is a big, complex subject with many dimensions. We suggest that you start by visiting our “What Is Menopause?” page in the Symptoms Menu above for a broad overview first. We also invite you to Become a Member in order to have full access to all our services, including our support groups. Membership is FREE.