| Personal Trainer, Fitness Coach and Workout Class Finder for Australia

4 / 90 LivingStone Street, Ivanhoe, 3079
Divyesh Amipara

ActiveAmigo has been founded with the vision to promote healthier lifestyle and become a marketplace by making it easy to find workout classes and activities by connecting personal trainers and fitness businesses with fitness enthusiasts.

As a personal trainer or fitness business if you have any empty slots then it is a loss of income for you. We want to help you change that and fill up the slots with new clients who can book your casual classes, term passes, activities and special offer online.                                                                           

We provide easy to use booking system for you and for your clients so that you can focus on things that matters to you without worrying the technology side of it. You can use this booking system for your existing clients or to get new clients.

You get instant payment after fee deductions to your Stripe account which is transferred every 7 days to your bank account, easy!You can also add online booking buttons to your website to direct your customers to your class booking page.

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