CC Company Weight Loss
Just for food but Ray cross that xtreme nitro store a nice xtreme nitro business model that we think has generated Lhasa jobs for people is generated lots have economic benefit for lots people right across xtreme nitro country alright two more questions a standing up young man in xtreme nitro blue shirt back there and then gentleman in xtreme nitro red got yes okay so considering soap will be able to repeat it for xtreme nitro people watching so considering xtreme nitro fact that part of how wall-mart came to be what it is it centralized distribution system how do you move to sustainability either with local sourcing or what was xtreme nitro last part okay how could you move toward local sourcing so that's xtreme nitro first question answering question over here so considering that we live in an economic system it's based xtreme nitro on endless growth is there a day when wall-mart will say we’ve grown enough considering how large xtreme nitro company is and I also what time is a great one okay and I miss actually xtreme nitro last part of your question which was part of xtreme nitro centralized distribution system is that is xtreme nitro footprint xtreme nitro footprint and so how do you deal with xtreme nitro footprint at xtreme nitro centralized great questions am let me take xtreme nitro first one wall-mart's success isn't about misdistribution systems well Mar 6 remember wall-mart was a very small company and Wal-Mart successes about focusing on xtreme nitro customer there's only one boss is what we talk about and xtreme nitro reason that one store became to stores and two stores became 20 stores and 20 stores became 200 stores it because xtreme nitro customer was at xtreme nitro center of everything that wedded and xtreme nitro distribution systems and I clearly wasn't yet when that was going on but xtreme nitro distribution systems that work invented what about how do you bring lower prices for those customers xtreme nitro customers didn’t come because xtreme nitro distribution system xtreme nitro customers came because they got low prices and I that's xtreme nitro fundamental simple model that we got you focus on xtreme nitro customer you give them great quality product as lower prices you possibly can and then you invent your system around it.