Were even here for ever go to the gym what do you do in thekitchen as it makes a difference guys are less it here poll over extending the ripped each workin the sewer rats extending the chest we do that we'lltalk to double the press its pratt was born the thicknessVHS after that Colo the cable crossoverscoming here we going decline flies for the with the lowerchest guys no time with the press masts get into ithere gotta don't bow to put are back shortly race your with thatmean over there once we get over there right here gonnaput the Belleville fun again locking it with their handshere so doesn't go anywhere from here to bear arms and what streetart tonight for extended that deep deep deeper deeper better about their will extendthe big tits the week poll lol pushed the chess that really said the 53 their slow Northwest West dubbed over here sector some uh close grip bench presshere dumbo just burn it out even more profit right to its already six guys it's not a lot glass here that you really not thatstrong acids we allow weeks here get mixed successestate here of West Street portrayed the whole setupsqueezer what's back I have to wonder what itsway to I just I K what I would like doll 11 hey to ever happens on the bestmusical moments I live with 0118 6in just gonna with the lower chest and that's it is workout oh yeah nothin spare good good Wildcats ago 30 sets guys this this go lieutenant t20s chess Thomas years man this is your master you in the morningskies the same exact work I was just a few in the morning you can do in theafternoon if you're just cardio session got must look to keep a low cases seefundamental home from work after for testcore pro everythingchanges my talk about the Rex the weights the time intervals betweenthe whole thing is a shock system more rock or your program and nowamassed this routine we just did builds masses as you notice as he saw medo it DIA chill Oct enough I could hold myselfup the pavement I'm okay with that becausetomorrow get back up and do it again how much I P I leftwants in light it's not the genetic guy whowins with got the most.