You know it's something

dfasfasf, ny, 10012
john samuel

You know it's something that I'd I definitely now we lost the beach in the background yeah that Korea Mary um so it's something that you've got to just take responsibility for and arm in take your view and on in Firmativ integrate I think that the deal is by at this point in time physicists as well as theologians all know that were combination a physical spiritual emotional intellectual beings and all of those have to be integrated if you're going to be healthy and I would also say that yes sometimes were born with some Bambi or so we inherit some sort tendency toward something but arm we can for the most part control the environment we're in and what we put inside our bodies and like doesn't happen to you without your permission so you have to take responsibility for your emotional health as well and I happened to be up the belief that many diseases are in fact physical manifestations up an emotional challenge and generally speaking its rigidity arm in inability to feel Foley in its turning into cutting yourself off from emotions and those emotions stop up in tumors can in fact be a manifestation.

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