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That deliciousness in it was hard for me as well like when won't be getting it was hard for me to let go out is somehow I hear that a lot I work withal lot of transition urns and they say that that is you know it's textural thing is it was released to mister I'm thinking a pet like crack or something yeah really addicting really is it really island I've heard people say that the molecular structure cheeses like similar to opium so I don't know there might be some sites yeah that is crazy and okay so what are we going to start with so I'm like you said its cash you based it's a cheese that's all vegan and it's all wrong and zombie consists up one cup of cashiers convoys are brought cash is but the thing about cash is that technically they're not wrong you can get them all but there are more expensive and they have to be hand polished so you don't have to tear off you don't have to do everything rock like OK explain a little bit later as well about the other not some things like that but yes technically I'm redoing cashew cheese to you because the one bad thing about dairy cheese is it weighs you down and you after you and salt in your Mexican feared know whenever is like I'm ready for Rhino or cashew cheese gives you so much energy gas I definitely agree in with were of foods in general you feel a lot of energy after you don't feel lethargic or sluggish you feel energized by Keith yeah it's exciting an act so the cashew cheese has cup cashews going to condemn these and Shack you handpick not a guarantee of something today and tablespoons love coconut amine which is a raw alternative to soy sauce thesis cocaine I mean yeah there's like coconut oil coconut cream coconut this is in its cool its rights under percent drop and I was like soy sauce yeah really does it taste like it too and that is three tablespoons a freshly squeezed lemon juice my yeah me too okay and I like my men cut it helps to balance of the sweetness of the cashews and.