Life Line Screening
Services in Life Line Screening
Preventive health help people to diagnose the risk of chronic diseases before their symptoms appear. It helps you to take action against the disease before it gets worst. It primarily helps diagnose the risk factors that lead to stroke, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, peripheral artery disease, and many other serious illnesses such as cancer.
You will receive complete information about your appointment details, where and when to check-in, or any instruction related to preparations after the appointment. Depending on the type of screening you choose, they may recommend you 6 to 8 hours fast before your appointment.
You can avail of their screening services for stroke, heart diseases, kidneys, liver function, cancer, joint problems, and bones. Here is a full list of screening panels below:
Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke
Carotid Artery Disease
Peripheral Arterial Disease
C-Reactive disease
Atrial Fibrillation
Abdominal Aortic Disease
Complete Lipid Panel / High Cholesterol
Kidney, Liver, Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Chronic Kidney Disease
Vital Organ Screening – Men and Women
Kidney Function, Liver Function, and C-Reactive Protein – Men and Women
A1c Screening
Elevated Liver Enzyme
Prostate Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Prostate and Testosterone – Men
Joints and bones
Vitamin D
Bone Health – Men and Women
Wellness panel and other screenings
Wellness Panel – Men
Annual Key Health – Men and Women
Wellness Panel Premium PLUS – Men
Thyroid Disease
Wellness Panel – Women
Testosterone Deficiency
Wellness Panel Plus – Women
Does the Life Line Screening Work?
Especially their affordability and ease of the service, as well as friendliness and corporation of their staff, make them different from others.