Come together and then
together and then exhale belly 25 as I swan dive for valley to the straight
links for one Brett any Allen an Excel this time then them generously as the
scoop your telephone in fingertip tips reach for them Choice 9000 Caralluma back who could toss in
just 45 Brett's one-time-only look at Assent supermarkets in I John my palms
into my heart here on another belly to this I and then I'm going to move into a
tourism actually income profile now to save this so working on the single so
here we go sending my cell phones back palms together in hell look forward as Excel
maneuvering the outer edge in my right arm to the outer edge in my life that so
pain taking up arms together here and not just a hour and to the right arm
comes to the outer to the left I'm now I'm not going to collapse here this is
going to be the tendency no worries that's normal so I'm going to you Gross
through life's fine pressing into the palms sometimes taking alright fish chair
sharing and bring it into the left palm is nice because you can press the left