super power vx
I think it went on with him i proved that you were gone with her proved it the other shut up about why are they purporting look at it at that i mean legally i get the benefit an enemy look at it at that okay but how does it give you don’t people but fort worth of gold to their own people car come from Iraq abdominal pain what getting louder doctorate of white people connected with the old Morton whether she arsenic yahoo that everybody jewelry for them Americans still uh... having a hard super power vx time coming to grips with the so-called religion that is getting the uh... the freedoms and the protection of any other religion and back to the cost of uh... of uh... putting down Christianity in this country uh... we've seen another terrorist attack in Boston i would say no one in London we still don't seem to be waking up tithe fact that there is an enemy among us and were afraid to talk about it absolutely again all right when you have a contract Croats some hundreds of thousands of American would you have that major even bigger than nine hundred maybe.
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