maxman power for body building

New York, 10012
Demi Davidson

I the barbershop yeah nice in blown out hot mock must try some number I heard you got kicked by a horse a good or as they would say some shellfish alright at it again this is our last %uh right here medi-cal35 you get for the ones in three to walk past watt pothole do hot putt-putt yeah more yeah job yeah by our homeland %ah hip-hop yeah not like I have on their help me out go get go get rid of every 100 we've got one exercise left that's it who know all one exercise left that's how we do it I’d settle now psychology major big break I'm going to work out your big brains right now with adding to your vocabulary the word today is definite puff i dent I know that were shot already coach already know that means I know that's all Coast a definite prepare for this but I him for I well you know the types of music appreciation they said would you like to listen to the music I said I would appreciate I cried out to God definite is lacking self rob you can walk run for the border either her lacking self confidence under certain so the saying is person using a sense were shot next opponent by to make sure your he is not definite going into the fight or was not at all get knocked out yeah but okay on but no let's go work are triceps one more time and this is a triceps kickback remember triceps straighten the arm.

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