Manufacturers have Rockline Edge changed the lofts on sets of clubs and sell that off as extra distance. Why? Because distance sells like nothing else! Everybody, even the tour pros want an extra ten yards. Rockline Edge Sadly, the majority of North Americans have a lack of fruits and vegetables in their every day diet. Adding fruits and vegetables in you diet gives you an excellent chance in the battle against fat. I would also go on to say that you should eat at the very minimum... five servings of fruit and vegetables each day. So replace all your carbohydrates with much healthier veggies and fruits. Not only these choices are better for your health... they also fill you up for a longer period of time. Rockline Edge So there you have it! There are tons of amazing alternatives to the typical 9 to 5 job. Put your mind to it, and you'll find that even in a recession there is huge opportunity!