We get to know the patient so we get them on a precondition program I like doing like for a month and then we put them on the five-step skin care program or you we tries to keep now the Sun nonsmoking place among the home care program if they smoke it’s not going to work because every time you take a puff of smoke you inhale free radical and keeps the collagen going downhill so I remember your you lose one person to college in the year if you’re a smoker you lose like percent her you know five to ten percent a college in every year so smokers Oro Lift have the smoker feces regatta get him off cigarettes and then we do our appeals and then we might and the intense pulsed light made or the LED light at the end so we want to really stimulate the wounding so if you just want the skin it takes like days the skin to start really proliferating to heal up their appeal but if you do your a preconditioning few movies perforation down the day one so hell much quicker know you really want the precondition to get this thing get the skin moving you don’t want to do appropriate winner actually.