Hands are even with your chest slowly return to the

Hands are even with your chest slowly return to the start position beekeeping the hands facing to the floor elbows at shoulder level and squeezing the shoulder blades together as you pull back you also work the rhomboid muscles between the shoulder blades chest press with machine or bans grass the handles at chest level palms facing toward the floor slowly extend the arms to the front to the arms are straight but not lock slowly returned to the start position repeat for the desired number of repetitions leg curl machine there are several different machines for this exercise for standing see didn't supply in like girls each machine works the muscles in the back of the RageDNA leg differently in each machine the Huber’s move toward the buttocks against resistance the movements are done slowly keep in mind that the hamstrings are susceptible to injury especially in an unconditioned person who is not warmed up so go easy in the early stages of training and always warm. 


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