MCI Institute
The MCI Institute offers engaging Diploma and Advanced Diploma education programs for students and utilises the VET FEE-HELP government funding source. Our experienced team provides students with unrivalled support for the duration of their courses, providing an easier path to their nationally recognised qualifications. That means we're with you all the way. |
1.00 out of 5 from 1 reviews
Date: 23/04/2015
This organisation has committed fraud and should be shutdown by ASQA.
Most of their assessments are not compliant according to the unit of competency.
But the worst violation is having staff that work there pretend to be assessors and sign off on assessments that they are not qualified to assess. They then sign it off using the General Manager's name (Major Fraud!). There are over 10,000 assessments with this Fake signature all in the name of Dylan Rabie (who hasn't assessed a single assessment in the last two years!).
This organisation is fake and crooked as they come.
As a student you will be entertained, but your qualification is worthless and doesn't meet government standards.