Academy Funerals

228 Barrett St, Bracken Ridge, QLD 4017
07 3261 8222

Academy Funerals - Compassionate Funeral Services

Academy Funerals has substantial practical experience inside the funeral business both throughout Australia as well as in New Zealand. Over a number of years providing bereaved people Ashley and Katrina have developed the necessary skills that guarantee that your every demand is taken care of. And leave anyone with the sure knowledge that both you and your beloved has been given the utmost respect and self-esteem.

Academy Funerals offers a caring, dignified and understanding burial to the neighborhood, at an reasonably priced cost. At Academy Funerals we know that a majority of families do not have thousands of dollars to pay on the memorial of a loved one. For that reason, we seek to maintain our running costs as low as feasible. For people this is straightforward, as we are really an independent Australian family owned company.

Academy Funerals is known for their concern and proper care while carefully guiding households through all aspects of their decided on funeral which includes: cremation or burial, chapel or perhaps church, minister or celebrant, coffin, coffin and bouquets selections, funeral service notices, cremation urns food catering and commemorative books.

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