Marketlend - Peer to Peer Lending in Australia

Level 14, 179 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW 200
(0)2 8006 6798

We realised there are risks in peer-to-peer lending that can be mitigated, as banks do when seeking investors for their lending. So we replicated this structure to mitigate those risks.
Now investors and borrowers can enjoy the benefits of a marketplace that gives them the freedom and the confidence to do business more on their own terms without the banks. It’s simply the way of the future
Marketlend Pty. Limited is an online marketplace lender, or otherwise known as a peer to peer marketplace. Marketlend and its representatives manage the registration of borrowers, investors, originators, and affiliated parties. The information on the marketplace lending platform operated by Marketlend is presented on the basis that it is received. Marketlend makes no warranty or representation of the accuracy of the data or information on the marketplace lending platform.

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