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Canadian Author Elizabeth Ferris released her new book “Positively Georgia: Chin Up, Pup-Canine Confidence” in October 2020 and it has become an Amazon Top 50 Best Seller in Literary Fiction for Young Adults. The latest book in the juvenile fiction series aims at helping teens, young adults and adults realize their inner potential, build up their self-confidence, and follow their dreams. The Positively Georgia Series was created by Elizabeth Ferris to help readers deal with the curve-balls of life in an optimistic and hopeful way. This book follows Georgie-Girl, an Airedale Terrier, who discovers magical abilities that will help readers transform their thoughts. This book will show you that with determination, a clear vision of what you want, positive energy, and gratitude, you can be the star of your own life.

This follows the notable success of her first and second books in the juvenile fiction series “Positively Georgia – a Motivational Tale of a Unique Airedale,” (December 2019) and “Positively Georgia’s Guide to Surviving Grief.” (June 2020) which also both became Amazon Top 50 Best Sellers within a few days.

“I’m so thankful for the citizens of Prince George, my home town. I love my city and I’m truly honored and grateful for everyone’s support since the beginning. I am so happy that Georgia is making a positive difference for people around the world and will be available for future generations to come.”

Learn more about Elizabeth Ferris at FerrisBooks.com.

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