Yaathith Farms
is the leading state in India when it comes to organic farming. The state has
been promoting sustainable and integrated farming practices for years now.
Organic farms in Tamilnadu are known to produce high-quality produce and
livestock, such as Nattu Kozhi (native chicken) and eggs.
Organic farming is a great way to reduce environmental pollution, conserve natural
resources, and ensure food security. It also helps farmers earn more money by
providing them with better prices for their produce. Integrated farming is
another important practice that helps farmers increases their yields while
reducing their input costs. This practice involves combining crop production
with livestock rearing, which makes it an ideal choice for small-scale farmers
in Tamilnadu. Nowadays due to the scarcity of water most of the lands
are becoming barren land. Integrated Organic Farm can also be done in this kind
of land. In integrated farming the excreta from livestock can be used as manure
for the soil which produces organic food and the cost of fertilizer can be
reduced. Panchagavya (mixing of cow dung, cow urine, milk, curd, jaggery, ghee, banana, Tender coconut and water)
gives more yields. Main concept of integrated farming is to minimize agricultural
waste. Production of Azolla in small area becomes a protein rich feed for the
poultry. It reduces the feed cost considerably.
Yaathith Farms producing the huge amount of nattu kozhi meat & eggs in
Tamilnadu, Pondicherry and surrounding areas with 100% organic. Yaathith farms is a leading Country Chicken &
Goat & in Kandamanglam village of Villupuram District, Tamilnadu having
incorporated in the year 2018
Rohu Fish | Mathi Fish | Red Snapper | Chicken Rate | Ajwain in Tamil |
Chia Seeds in
Tamil | Flax Seeds in
Tamil | Fennel Seeds
in Tamil