Small Myers Hughes

Level 2, 17 Welch St, Southport, QLD, 4215

Small Myers Hughes is a Queensland based specialist law firm committed to providing absolute legal expertise in all states of Australia
We pride ourselves on our exemplary client care and transparency in our business dealings with our clients. We will take the time to guide and support you through the entire legal process, from start to finish. When we communicate, we do so in a language you are comfortable with and understand, removing as much legal jargon as possible. We clearly advise our clients of our fees upfront to ensure there are no surprises at time of payment. Any variations will be discussed with you.

Due to the multi-disciplinary structure of our firm, we have the ability to offer expert advice and solutions on a range of issues that may arise, ensuring a consistent, thorough and stress free experience.

Our Areas of Law include:
* Tax & Revenue Law
* Taxation Litigation
* Business & Estate Planning
* Family & Relationship Law
* Property & Commercial Law
* Management Rights
* Commercial Litigation

Accredited Specialists

Michael Small is an Accredited Family Law Specialist with over 20 years experience. He is one of few lawyers in Australia to have a post graduate diploma in Family Law.

Col Myers is an Accredited Property Law Specialist with over 30 years experience. He specialises in Management Rights (strata and community titles).

David Hughes is an Accredited Taxation Law Specialist with over 15 years experience. He is one of four Taxation Law Accredited Specialist in QLD and the only one on the Gold Coast.

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