Laser Refractive Surgery

Vision Laser Chatswood Level 3, 270 Victoria Avenue, NSW, 2067
02 9424 9999
Chris Rogers

Dr Rogers is a eye specialist practicing Laser Refractive Surgery at the Vision Eye Institute, Chatswood.

In addition to working at the Vision Eye Institute as a corneal specialist and refractive surgeon, he also provides his specialist ophthalmic consulting services to several hospitals across Sydney. He has served as Chairman on numerous industry related boards and served on medical committees.

Dr Rogers is a former Clinical Lecturer in Ophthalmology at Sydney University and lectured widely on the subject of refractive surgery both domestically and internationally.

Interested in the freedom Laser Eye Surgery can offer?

Dr Rogers is ophthalmic surgeon who is able to offer a diverse range of vision correction treatments, made possible by his extensive experience of lasik eye surgery and a commitment to providing the latest proven techniques and technology.

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