KMH Environmental Sydney

PO Box 5487, West Chatswood, NSW 1515

Australia’s Leading Consultancy for Sustainable Solutions


As one of Australia’s leading environmental manager and advisor for engineering solutions, KMH continues to build and demonstrate a leading example as solutions-focused team for both the private and public sector in Australia and South East Asia.


Established in 1998, KMH offices operate in both Melbourne and Newcastle. As a wholly Australian owned and operated consultancy, KMH is committed to demonstrating a high level of achievement in the full range of services we provide for our clients.


We lead by example with our solutions-focused range of systems, including sustainable policies in the implementation of green initiatives, certification, policy and procedure. Some of these services include:


·         Air Quality

·         Auditing And Reporting

·         Construction And Environmental Management

·         Corporate Environmental Management

·         Environmental Planning And Approvals

·         Stakeholder And Social Management

·         Sustainable And Energy Solutions

·         Waste Solutions

·         Waste And Waste water Solutions


KMH’s initiatives have been implemented in some of Australia’s biggest and most fundamental projects in the country, while our advice is sought after by a list of major corporations for all stages of design and development and beyond.


KMH are committed to driving sustainability while fostering high levels of productivity in the workplace. As a team, KMH work closely together and with clients to prosper in our mission to achieve the best results for our partners.


For more information regarding the service available through KMH, please contact our office on the provided number. We look forward to discussing the many possibilities surrounding your projects today.

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