RPL Report Writer
of prior learning is the approval of a person’s skills and competencies that
are mastered by him through formal or informal training. He may also harness
the knowledge through life experiences. In common usage, it is a yardstick in
Australia which helps in determining the extent to which the individual’s
learning outcomes and efficiency are in keeping with the level of skill for
entry to partial or total completion of VET education. As been already said it
is an integral component of vocational education and training system in
Australia and has been simultaneously referred to as Recognition of Current
Competencies. (RCC). The Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) has
enumerated in points detailing briefly the avenues through which a particular
person acquires the efficiency and competencies from RPL report writer.
1. Formal or informal training or education.
2. Work experience.
3. General life experiences or
4. The ensemble of his experiences taken
together in its entirety combined with his formal and informal training.
has set upon itself the task of imparting practical training to the students
who are in need of acquiring proficiency in vocational education. It also
acknowledges and assesses a student’s prior learning by the assessment and
industrial regulatory body, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). The
evaluation and acknowledgment of previous knowledge take place in detailed and
intricate phases sequentially determined by ACCCO for the recognition of the
prior or the anterior learning. The steps are elaborated for the smooth
operation of the entire process commencing with the student's plea for
recognition of previous knowledge and may occur at any time during enrolment
with ACCCO or before the completion of the course, and the subsequent steps
involve enrolment processes, an initial interview is conducted to devise an
assessment plant. Further on the student collates evidence exemplifying his
learning. The trainer and assessor assess his proof which determines the
outcome and a report is prepared based on the assessment which is finally
recorded in the student’s database.