Nioda Whitefeather Energy, Chakra & Reiki Healing

Confidential, Repton, NSW 2454
0431 135 739
Nioda Whitefeather

Alicia is a Core Shamanic Practitioner who spends her life learning both experientially and through a close connection with Spirit. She brings these lessons into her practice to aid in the healing and wellbeing of those she works with. Alicia's life passion is guidance, awakening and healing to help people live an empowered conscious life. This allows self realization of greatness and potential.

Alicia has trained in Core Shamanism, Extraction Healing, Power Animal Retrieval, Rock Divination, Soul Portion Retrieval, Essential Oils for Healing and attuned in Reiki I & II. She works in conjunction with Spirit to identify the needs of the body and soul and return balance and harmony to each individual she works with.

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