Purely Soul Healing

2a, Springwood, NSW 2777
+61 0481 758 113
Pushpa Narayan

Purely Soul Healing is a powerful method of energy work that connects you to your Soul and your Higher Self through Soul Path Energy Clearing. To Understand the challenges of your life you have to understand what your soul is about and how it works with other aspects of you to guide you through life. Everything that you need to bring peace and harmony into your life is with you right now.  With Soul Path Energy Clearing you will receive seven (7) sessions of energy clearing of over 7 hours.  This energy clearing is unique and specific to you.
Each one of us has journeyed a unique life, with unique circumstances which has impacted the soul in unique ways.  The energy clearing will include emotional energy clearing, mental energy clearing, psychological energy clearing, harmful energy removals, chakra clearing and balancing together with any other aspects of blockages that are in the way of you being able to receive your soul's direction.
During the energy clearing your Soul will be made aware of your desire to connect and a key will be set up for you which you will recieve in the book A Expert Guide To Energy Clearing.  Once you have received the Seven Powerful Sessions of Soul Path Energy Clearing,, you will  also receive written guidance and directions on how to connect to your Higher Self for ongoing guidance, protection and healing throughout your life's journey.  To better understand  this intensive and powerful method please read more on our website www.purelysoulhealing.com. 

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