Test Equipment

5 / 5-11 Daintree Drive, Redlands Business Park, Redland Bay, QLD 4165
1800 837 837

Welcome to Test Equipment, Australia's well known supplier of test and measurement equipment. If you are looking for best value test and measurement equipment, you've come to the right place. In www.test-equipment.com.au you will find test instruments with exceptional quality at an extraordinary prices – delivered to your door for 1-3 business days.

Wherever you are in Australia or New Zaeland, we make it easy for you to discover best value test and measurement equipment at great prices. You can contact us and shop with confidence from our online shop for 24 hour a day, 7 days a week.

In addition to our extensive range of electrical test equipment, we stock full range of HVAC test equipment, and distribute it across Australia and New Zaeland, to both consumers and businesses.

We are proud to say that we supply companies from different sectors with test and measurement equipment from the most renowned brands in the filed, such as: TnT test, AEMC, HT Italia and Sonel. In attempt to provide our customers with the best HVAC test equipment, we added the product line of the world-class brands Digitron, Dwyer Instruments and Fieldplace.  

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