
Level 8, Umiya Business Bay, Tower 1, Cessna Business Bay, Marathahalli ORR, Bengaluru, 560103, Bangalore, 560103

Our goal is to expand the students' skills in the data science course. Applicants develop their online course on data science. It will reach out to the top level of data scientists and professionals. On skillslash, learners learn from the specialists. Machine learning is used by data scientists to reveal hidden patterns in huge amounts of raw information in order to illuminate real-world issues. 

The Data science course is an e-learning platform for continuing to enhance their skills. The data science course continuously increases growth in every aspect of students' and professionals' lives.

The instructors that created this Data Science with Python programme have extensive teaching expertise and are familiar with a variety of learner requirements. As a result, experts with no previous experience in data science can use this tool to quickly learn Python.


  1. Internships begin on the first day.
  1. 15+ AI and Machine Learning Real-Time Projects
  1. Product MNCs have hired me.
  1. Senior Project Supervision
  1. Domain Specializing Tracks
  1. Flexible 3-Year Enrollment
  1. 10,000*5 (no cost EMI) (months)

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In India, SkillSlash would be the largest provider of data science certification courses. We've ...
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